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Expert advises

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If you need advice on equipment for connecting or lifting loads, contact us.
An expert advises

Every day, we encounter new challenges in lifting and securing loads. To help you make the right decisions, we've compiled a list of practices for easier and safer work. If you have any questions or specific requirements, please contact us for assistance.

Chains - end of use

Stop using chians due to:  visible damage to the chain: bent, cracked or crushed links must be removed from use immediately, chains with visible signs of wear, if the wear of the chain link exceeds 10% of the diameter of the link material, deformed joints that are curved or...
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Chains - propper usage

Before using load chains, you need to make sure you are allowed to use them. The weight of the load must not exceed the load capacity of the load chains. Plan the securing of the load with the load chains before lifting or by lowering the load.  The load capacity of the...
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Polyester lifting straps - usage

Polyester lifting straps manufactured to EN 1492-1: 2001 and A1: 2009 - Textile hangers - Safety: Knitted flat hangers made of man - made fibers for general use. All users read these instructions carefully. They will make it easier for you to work with lifting tools - meaning a component or...
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Polyester lifting straps - remove from usage

Remove lifting straps from usage due to: damage to the cladding or visible damage to the base of the strip, notches and tears in the strip longer than 5% of the width of the strip, notches in the longitudinal or transverse part of the strip which have begun to deteriorate at the...
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Protective equipment

Before any employees use lifting equipment for the first time, it is important to ensure that all employees in the workplace are equipped with the necessary protective gear. This includes a safety helmet, protective footwear with a steel cap, and protective gloves. Additionally, depending on the...
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